Custom pallet buster finished

Custom pallet buster unpainted

Custom shovel art

Custom shovel art

Custom fabricated tour bus bunk beds

Custom fabricated tour bus bunk beds

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Working on "Martha" - the Burning man art car

Working on "Martha" - the Burning man art car

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Custom fabricated goat milk stand

Working on "Martha" - the Burning man art car
Hay feeders, milking stands, water carts, livestock containment, custom farming equipment, tool boxes and cabinets, shipping container modification, security doors & more! Anything from fine decor to heavy duty industrial. Have an interesting and/or complex project? Let us know about it on the contact page.